Almost two months have already passed since “Vaccinate for Africa” week 2018. Many thanks to all veterinary practices who took part in this important campaign!
The top 10 veterinary practices currently include Bessy’s Kleintierklinik AG from Watt/Regensdorf, the Tezet AG from Müllheim, the Tiermed from Biberist, the VETcetera AG from Köniz, the Tierarztpraxis am Kanalfrom Biel, the TGP Lindenmatte AGfrom Frutigen, the Tierklinik TS AG from Thun, the Tierklinik Rhenusfrom Flurlingen, the Kleintierpraxis TierEGGe from Egg near Zürich and the Kleintierpraxis Than from Zollbrück –
VSF-Suisse is very grateful for these generous donations! Dear participating vets, it is not too late, you too can still be on the top 10 list! Please transfer your donation to the following IBAN: CH78 0900 0000 3002 4633 4, note “Vaccinate for Africa”.