What is your name, age, and where are you from/did you grow up?
I am George Kinuthia, 72 years old, from Kiambu county, Kenya.
What is your learned or studied profession/trade?
I completed Primary school in 1965 and then chose to become a professional driver and passed driving school in 1970.
Which year did you start working at VSF-Suisse and in which Country Office?
In January 2000 with the start of VSF-Suisse operations in Mandera, Kenya.
What was your favourite part/aspect of your work?
I like driving in general and I’m a very experienced senior driver. Working as a driver, I follow the instructions given regarding the daily tasks and locations. I have been all around (Mandera, Wajir, Isiolo, Garissa, Kisumu, etc). I know Nairobi very well and can manage well with the traffic. My tasks ranged from carrying staff passengers to delivering project supplies such as veterinary pharmaceuticals, vaccines and equipment to the field. I also delivered documents and cash from Nairobi to the field at a time when there were no field bank accounts in place yet and at a time when MPESA (Kenyan mobile payment system) was not widely used. I also work as office messenger and look after the needs for car maintenance and repair. I’m proud that I never had any accident or caused any trouble, I was always careful and courteous on the road. I’m getting my daily bread from my work and this makes me happy.

What were the biggest challenges in your work?
In 2010, Garissa and Mandera counties experienced security issues due to increasing instability in Somalia. It was dangerous to travel and I had to deliver documents and projects supplies. I had to be accompanied by a security escort and although I was afraid, I could deliver! I was happy and thanks to my courage, the project could go on.
What is a memory from your work that you will never forget?
I’m thankful for being with VSF-Suisse for so long. With my monthly secured salary, I was able to feed my children and bring them to school. VSF-Suisse always delivers what it promises to the people they work with.
In your opinion, what is different about VSF’s work compared to other organizations or actors (if anything)?
VSF-Suisse always trusted in me and its staff, e.g. money transfers by car.
What is your passion besides work?
I like to take care of my family. Every Sunday, I go to church and I believe god is faithful and I trust in him.
Is there anything you would like to add?
Now that I am ready to retire, I wish VSF-Suisse continued success in the projects implementation in Kenya and all other countries where we are present! I hope VSF-Suisse can continue the good work and support to the communities.
Thank you very much for your dedication, George!