by Communication VSF-Suisse | 8. January 2024 | Ethiopia, Kenya, Press release
The still young year is to be all about camelids. This was decided by the United Nations. The aim is to raise awareness of how important camelids are for the livelihoods of many people – and will become even more important in the future in view of the rapid... by Communication VSF-Suisse | 11. May 2018 | Country updates, Mali, Togo
In March 2018, CELEP (Coalition of European lobbies for Eastern African pastoralism) organized a one-weaklearning tour on dairy for representatives from West Africa to Kenya. The first day of the CELEP learning tour brought the representatives to Isiolo to learn about... by Communication VSF-Suisse | 21. September 2017 | Country updates
In Isiolo County (Kenya), herders usually live far away from veterinary health services. With the local veterinary authorities and our partner Biovision, we trained 18 members of the local communities in animal diseases reporting, and we equipped them with a...