by VSF-Suisse | 27. March 2024 | About VSF-Suisse, Kenya, Meet VSF!
Hi Genevieve! What is your full name and where are you from? My name is Genevieve Atieno Owuor, and I hail from Kenya. I was born in Tanzania, where my father was employed. I initiated my primary education in Tanzania before relocating to Kenya with my parents when I... by Communication VSF-Suisse | 18. October 2023 | Food security
The partners of the project Rights-based and Agroecological Initiatives for Sustainability and Equity in Peasant Communities (RAISE), supported by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), welcome the creation of an international monitoring mechanism on... by Philipp Hayoz | 26. February 2022 | Covid-19, Drought, East Africa locust plague, Ethiopia, Food security, Horn of Africa, Kenya, Somalia
Following drought disasters in 2011 and 2016-2019, the countries of Somalia, Kenya and Ethiopia in the Horn of Africa are once again in a precarious situation. The dire effects of the current drought on the region’s people and animals are compounded by... by Philipp Hayoz | 25. March 2021 | Djibouti, East Africa locust plague, Ethiopia, Horn of Africa, Kenya, Somalia, South Sudan
Image © FAO Desert locusts remain present across the greater Horn of Africa (HoA). Although current swarms are smaller and less numerous, the impact on affected communities remains high and may lead to increased vulnerability of pastoralist and agro-pastoralist... by Communication VSF-Suisse | 11. May 2018 | Country updates, Mali, Togo
In March 2018, CELEP (Coalition of European lobbies for Eastern African pastoralism) organized a one-weaklearning tour on dairy for representatives from West Africa to Kenya. The first day of the CELEP learning tour brought the representatives to Isiolo to learn about...