by Communication VSF-Suisse | 27. August 2024 | Capacity building, Food security, South Sudan
VSF-Suisse, with support from the Swiss Development and Cooperation Office at the Embassy of Switzerland in Juba, Republic of South Sudan is implementing a three-year project (PROWIGA), currently in its third year of implementation. The project aims at improving food... by Communication VSF-Suisse | 9. August 2024 | Animal health, Capacity building, One Health, Somalia
Somalia experiences recurrent food and nutrition crises, widespread insecurity, underdeveloped infrastructure, and natural hazards such as drought and floods, which are exacerbated by climate change. Despite livestock production being the mainstay of Surgudud... by Communication VSF-Suisse | 23. July 2024 | Animal health, Capacity building, One Health, Togo
Antibiotic resistance is recognized as one of the top ten global threats to public health by the World Health Organization (WHO). It is estimated to be responsible for approximately 27.3 deaths in 100,000 per year in Africa. This issue is a daily concern, particularly... by Communication VSF-Suisse | 20. June 2024 | Animal health, Capacity building, Ethiopia, Horn of Africa, One Health
Bokola Kebele[1] is a pastoral village of Oromia Region, Ethiopia. In November 2020, when VSF-Suisse started conducting “One Health facilities capacity assessment” under One Health Units for Human, Environment, Animal and Livelihoods (HEAL) Project inception phase,... by Communication VSF-Suisse | 18. April 2024 | Animal well-being, Capacity building, Environmental protection, Food security, Togo
Mr. Akowe Loukou lives in Bago (Tchamba) in the Central Region of Togo, where he has been involved in farming and trading since his youth. Aged 38 and a father of three children, he lives mainly from the production of maize, soy, and cashews. Five years ago, having... by VSF-Suisse | 7. September 2023 | Capacity building, Togo
September 2023 – The cooperative Ognidon of the canton of Goubi includes about 20 beekeepers, among them one woman. As part of the implementation of their activities, they are accompanied by our MiKaGo project, especially in the improvement of beekeeping...