Many of our projects specifically aim to empower women. Why is that?

  1. 75% of all people in need worldwide are women and children.
  2. Although more than 50% of all food worldwide is produced by women, women account for 70% of all people suffering from hunger.
  3. When women have their own income, they invest it in the family, e.g. in better nutrition or school fees for the children.

Our help for women therefore strengthens the whole family and society. “I am proud of myself,” told us VSF-Suisse-supported milk seller Fanta Damba in Bamako, Mali. Her sales enable her to generate an income while providing protein-rich milk to families and children in her neighborhood.

Sales empower women

Milk seller Fanta Damba in front of her milk kiosk in Bamako, Mali. VSF-Suisse helped finance the purchase of the kiosk and enabled her to join a cooperative. Because Fanta Damba’s sales were so successful, she was able to expand on her own and open a neighborhood store.

Cooperatives empower women

VSF-Suisse helps women empower each other – for example, by building cooperatives, which allow them to better defend their interests. This is important to secure their income in the long term.

Training and education strengthen women

Emeline Kadjatatal, the first female animal health worker in her region in Togo, with the equipment provided to her by VSF-Suisse. She mainly treats and vaccinates sheep, goats and chickens. Her VSF training and steady client base provide her with an income.



Sources: 1., 2.: UNFPA; 3.: OECD

Photos: © Tom Martin,

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